Tuesday, March 16, 2010

God - protect her

When we decided to begin the process of international adoption, I decided to begin praying for our new daughter.  God knows her by name, even now.  He has fastened her exactly the way He wants to use her to bring joy to this world.  She is already bringing hope and joy to our family, and we don't even know her yet!  But I am relieved to know that wherever she is, God knows and He cares.  He is hurting when she is hurting.  He cries with her when her belly isn't full.  He laughs when she feels joy and comfort. 

Atleast once a day my daughter asks me to pray for our "little sister".  I often wonder what must be going on in our sweet little sister's life at the moment, for the Holy Spirit to prompt us to pray for her at specific times.  Yesterday Kate prayed for her little sister to "know that God will protect her and that God will give her a toy so she can play."  I wonder, was yesterday a day that our little one may have needed to know of God's protection in a special way?  I am thankful for prayer - a way for us to participate in our little one's life and in the work of our Creator.

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