Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kate DeMaio getting baptized at Southbrook Church 1-23-11

Sunday, January 23rd was a marker in the faith journey of our daughter Kate.  The week before I had taught a class on baptism at Southbrook Church.  In the past, I had always met with each child individually leading up to a week of baptisms, with their parents "tagging along".  The time we spent was always meaningful and I loved praying a blessing over each child I met, along with the parents, to close our time.

But God had started stirring something in my heart several years ago when I read "Family Driven Faith".  The idea that as a parent, I have the ultimate honor, privilege and responsibility to nurture faith in my children.  And as a children's director, I wasn't doing that...  A simple shift in how I met with families prior to baptism was one step toward our church beginning to pass the torch to parents - to encourage them, to equip them, to inspire them as they nurture their own children in a meaningful relationship with God.

So, last week I had a baptism class instead - children came with their parents and I did very little talking (kind of hard for me, but well worth it!).  Instead, parents sat knee to knee with their child and walked through dozens of verses and stories of Jesus' plan for us to "go public" with our faith in Him.  I watched 12 year old boys staring into the eyes of their Dad as he talked about when He decided to share His faith through baptism.  I watched a 8 year old girl read aloud Romans 6, and talk about what her "new life" in Jesus meant with her mom.

And I watched our own sweet Kate - sit hunched over a bible with Dustin in the little kindergarten chairs and low tables.  I eavesdropped on their conversation about why she wanted to be baptized and how much she loved Jesus.  And the best part of all... I knelt down next to Dustin as all the other parents did the same around the room, and laid hands on our little girl and prayed God's anointing on her life - for courage and wisdom and strength.  We thanked Him for her joy and heart for worship.

The noise in the room was a low rumble as parents all laid their hands around the shoulders of their kids and prayed for them - and I was moved that God allows us as parents to share in growing His kids up to love Him.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful and I love that you are teaching the parents how to lead their children!
