Saturday, November 27, 2010

Write it Down

I was just reading this morning about a fellow CWA adoptive mom's journey to bring home her two children (they are waiting to make their 2nd trip to bring home their babies).  She said that a friend had asked her what she had been praying about on the days that both her children were born... (you can find that blog post here).  It got me thinking about the way God is already weaving together the future of our lives with Penny's.

Last year at the beginning of each school day, my kids and I wrote down the things we were praying about that day and then talked to the Lord together about each one specifically.  Then, we would go back when the prayer was answered and one of the kids would highlight it.  I have since gotten sloppy in my prayer time - the discipline of writing down the specifics of how and when God answers can be so amazing and I have gotten away from it.  So, if someone were to ask me today how God was working on any given day, once we find out more about Penny, I would be unable to recall it.  It is important to me, to remember all Jesus has done for me and how He is molding and shaping our eternity each day.

I taught the kids of "Harbortowne" (our kindergarten-third grade children's ministry at Southbrook Church a verse in Psalm 105 this past Sunday that said, "Make known among the nations what He has done."  I want to be a living testimony to God's grace and care - so I've got to write it down!  It'll be fun to see how God weaves all His goodness and mercy into the story of our family.

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