Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Life Lessons From My Mom

There is one person in all the world that I can call and sit in the quiet with and feel comfortable.  She is my mentor, friend, cheerleader, spiritual confidante.

My mom is my hero.  Today is a monumental day in her life.  30+ years ago she began studying the bible by attending a weekly bible study through Bible Study Fellowship, an organization that encourages deep and thoughtful study of God's Word in community.  26 years ago Mom began to teach a class of women each week to fall deeply in love with the Holy words that God has given us.  I watched my mom set aside hours at a time, when I was a girl, to sit disciplined and quiet with commentaries strewn about and the Bible open before her.  She has taught hundreds of women through the years.  She gave up leisurely hours with friends and showed unwavering discipline to the task she knew God had called her to.  Every week, whatever the message she needed to deliver, she was faithful to pray, to study, to show other women how deeply God loves them.

Today is her last lecture to the group of women God has called her to serve for the last 26 years. I am more proud of her than she will ever know or I can ever express.  Her commitment to Bible Study Fellowship is just a glimmer of all that she has been obedient to as she walks with Jesus.   I wish I could  be there to listen to her speak this last time… tears fall as I write this because I can remember the very first time I went and sat in the back of the church and listened to her teach that sanctuary of women for the first time.  I was in middle school.  I was so proud that she was my mom.  I remember thinking, "Boy, if only God will give me half as much knowledge and strength as my mom!"  It left such an impression on me, as I watched my mom prepare her talks, study and care for the women she served - it spoke to how significant she felt we, as her kids, were.  As a kid I often wondered why my mom was "sitting at home with us" when she was smart as a whip and could be doing "big things".  That began to change as I matured and considered the eternal impact she was having on me, through being available and present and constant.

I can't be there to hear her speak today but I am so very grateful for her obedience to Jesus… And she is leaving it, in part, for me.  She and my dad have chosen to move here for the next two years so they can be close by to help with the kids, should Jack have lengthy hospital stays after he is home.  They are coming to serve - how apropos!

Just in honor of all that she has taught me, I thought I'd write a short list of the life lessons I have learned from my mom along the way - of course, it is not a complete list, but then again… I'm not done learning from her!  And I cannot WAIT to have her close by in just a few short months!!

1.  Life is worth living.
2.  Take chances.
3.  People are more important than things.
4.  Always set the dinner table like it is a special occasion - the people you eat with are who you share your life with.
5.  Say, "I'm sorry".
6.  Greet your husband with sincerity after a long day at work.
7.  God deserves our first moments in the day and our last moments at night.
8.  Prayer allows us to thank God, not just for our things but more importantly, for who He is.
9.  Giving thoughtful gifts comes ridiculously easy for some people (my mom) and horrendously difficult for others (me).
10.  Hymns are special glimpses into the beauty of faith.
11.  Dessert is worth it.
12.  Planning dinner should be colorful - consider a rainbow of colors when planning meals.
13.  The Arts - an orchestra concert, a play, a musical - keep our souls alive.
14.  Always look for opportunities to serve the people around you.
15.  Leave things better than you found them.
16.  You can't do it all - prayerfully consider what you will choose
17.  Staying home with my children is purposeful and meaningful and should be done with excellence.
18.  The woman written about in Proverbs 31 does exist - she's my mom!

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful!!! Crying -what a beautful post thanks for sharing. As a first generation Christian your mom inspires me to be all that for my children.
